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On this page we have put together a few interesting statistics and data about the streets and regions of Lichtenstein.

The length of streets in Lichtenstein

The 770 streets in Lichtenstein are in average 748 metres long. 1 % of the streets are more than 5 kilometers long and about 9 % less than 100 meters long.

The most common street names in Lichtenstein

The most common street name in Lichtenstein is Industriestrasse. There is are in total 5 streets with this name. Rheinstrasse occurres 4 times and is followed by the street name Landstrasse with 4 occurences.

The maximum speed on streets in Lichtenstein

In Lichtenstein, the average speedlimit is around 42 average km/h. On most streets the speed limit is 50 km/h.