have you been to Schellenberg (in Lichtenstein)? No, not yet? Well, then you should have look at what there is to discover...
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In StreetDir.ch you can find all the regions and all streets of your country. Also you will find shops, restaurants, post offices, and much more from your region. This lets you see exactly where the next establishment is located any time.
On this page we have put together a few interesting statistics and data about the streets and regions of Lichtenstein.
The 770 streets in Lichtenstein are in average 748 metres long. 1 % of the streets are more than 5 kilometers long and about 9 % less than 100 meters long.
The most common street name in Lichtenstein is Industriestrasse. There is are in total 5 streets with this name. Rheinstrasse occurres 4 times and is followed by the street name Landstrasse with 4 occurences.
In Lichtenstein, the average speedlimit is around 42 average km/h. On most streets the speed limit is 50 km/h.